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T.N.G. - The Next Generation

The secret of birds eludes me
as does my suitcase's magnet
which springs open
at each stage of the journey

 Le secret des oiseaux m'échappe
comme celui de l'aimant de ma valise

qui ressort à chaque étape du voyage.

                         Abdellatif Laâbi

Galvin Harrison + T.N.G. Projects came into existence in 2020. T.N.G. stands for The Next Generation. All T.N.G. activities are aimed at transformation through direct dialogue supported by visual production as a tangible catalyst. The project has found a permanent home at Samuelsgaarden in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen. The core of the project is based on a physical creative workshop that serves as a visual source of inspiration that is constantly changing as finished sculptures are added. The overall aim of the projects is to create large-scale collective sculpture installations that cannot be distinguished by age, nationality or social classification.

The workshop is the framework for, and key to the creative practice. It is formed as a creative cocoon that, by its nature and intention, embraces everyone that comes into contact with it regardless of age or social status. Today we are concentrating on constructing two large sculpture installations, `The People Who Came From The Sea ́ and `The Stockade Sculptures ́. The creation of the sculptures which make up the collective installation, is supported by a hands-on teaching process for both young people and adults in the T.N.G. workshop. An external mobile workshop will also be operational in the spring of 2024 and will primarily be based in Banana Parken in Nørrebro located near the Samuelsgaarden's workshop.

Galvin Harrison + T.N.G. Projects blev til i 2020. T.N.G. står for The Next Generation. Alle T.N.G.-aktiviteter er rettet mod transformation gennem direkte dialog understøttet af visuel produktion som en håndgribelig katalysator. Projektet har fundet et permanent hjem på Samuelsgaarden på Nørrebro i København. Kernen i projektet tager udgangspunkt i et fysisk kreativt værksted, der fungerer som en visuel inspirationskilde, der hele tiden ændrer sig i takt med, at færdige skulpturer tilføjes. Det overordnede mål med projekterne er at skabe store kollektive skulptur installationer, der ikke kan skelnes på alder, nationalitet eller social klassifikation.

Workshoppen er rammen for og nøglen til den kreative praksis. Den er formet som en kreativ kokon, der i kraft af sin natur og hensigt omfavner alle, der kommer i kontakt med den uanset alder eller social status. I dag koncentrerer vi os om at opføre to store skulptur installationer, 'The People That Came From The Sea' og 'The Stockade SCulptures'. Skabelsen af skulpturerne, der udgør den kollektive installation, understøttes af en hands-on undervisningsproces for både unge og voksne i T.N.G. værkstedet. Et eksternt mobilt værksted vil også være i drift i foråret 2024 og vil primært have base i Banana Parken på Nørrebro nær Samuelsgaardens værksted.

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T.N.G. Workshop Omage
T.N.G. Workshop Image
T.N.G. Workshop Image
T.N.G. Workshop Image
T.N.G. Workshop Image
T.N.G. Workshop Image
T.N.G. Project Image
T.N.G. Project Image
T.N.G. Project Image
T.N.G. Projects Logo

` Help me, because my boat is so small
And your sea is so immense ´

                                          Jackie Maym Leven

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