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"Lost in the dream

Or just the silence of a moment

It´s always hard to tell"

                                    The War On Drugs 

The Megalopolis Project  - Galvin Harrison  + T.N.G. Projects


The Megalopolis Project is a multi faceted sculpture installation that will comprise of 2400 sculpture elements conceived by  Galvin Harrison as a participatory social installation project. The project is purposely designed for the inclusion and active participation of social housing residents, students,  public institutions and private commercial concerns as part of an `organic´ construction process. 




The Megalopolis Project er en mangesidet skulptur installation, der vil bestå af 2400 skulptur elementer udtænkt af Galvin Harrison som en participatorisk social installation projekt. Projektet er målrettet til inklusion og aktiv deltagelse af  socialt boligbyggeri beboere, studerende, offentlige institutioner og private kommercielle virksomheder som led i en  "organic"  byggeproces.


  visual notes and observations



‘Metropolis’ could well be the title of this gigantic sculpture by artist Galvin Harrison, that seems to continue endlessly, and makes you wonder what this insane repetition is about? The title ‘Metropolis’ brings to mind Fritz Lang’s expressionist film from 1927, set in a futuristic urban dystopia, but also large contemporary cities like New York. Before entering too much into a discussion of the deeper meaning of ‘Metropolis’ I want to distinguish between beauty in the eye of a sculptor and the eye of a city planner.

The sculptor decided, to always have a base (plot) of 10 by 10 which he can create and build on top of. On each plot, the process evolves through an extremely passionate and intensive research of stacking differently on each base. Each sculpture is stacked differently, some horizontally, some vertically, some a mix of horizontally, vertically and diagonally stacking. The idea of stacking seems like a way of organizing archives of memories and histories. One must admit that the artist has an enormous amount of experiences to stack. Like a flow of stories that never ends. It is a storyteller stacking his stories, trying to organize and structure, through chaos. The collection of stacks grows and grows, some are very dense packed, others are more airy, but together the collection becomes very diverse and colourful. They are organized strictly and disciplined in a rigid grid structure, which, at the same time playfully interacts and challenges the tight, strict order. This meticulous plot seems to be the way of both slicing through smoke, and the immense and unrelenting bombardment of info. Today the collection consists of 200 individually different sculptures and the future idea is to add even several hundred more.


text by  Birgitte Katborg Laursen.




visuelle noter og observationer



'Metropolis' kunne meget vel være titlen på denne gigantiske skulptur af kunstneren Galvin Harrison, der synes at fortsætte uendeligt, og gør du spekulerer på, hvad denne vanvittige gentagelse handler om? Titlen 'Metropolis' minder om Fritz Langs ekspressionistiske film fra 1927, der foregår i en futuristisk urban dystopi, men også store nutidige byer som New York. Før du går for meget ind i en diskussion af den dybere betydning af 'Metropolis' Jeg ønsker at skelne mellem skønhed i øjet af en billedhugger og øjet af en byplanlægger.
Billedhuggeren besluttede, at altid have en base (plot) på 10 af 10, som han kan skabe og bygge oven på. På hvert plot udvikler processen sig gennem en ekstremt lidenskabelig og intensiv forskning i at stable forskelligt på hver base. Hver skulptur er stablet forskelligt, nogle vandret, nogle lodret, nogle en blanding af vandret, lodret og diagonalt stabling. Tanken om stabling virker som en måde at organisere arkiver af erindringer og historier. Man må indrømme, at kunstneren har en enorm mængde af oplevelser at stable. Som en strøm af historier, der aldrig ender. Det er en historiefortæller stabling hans historier, forsøger at organisere og struktur, gennem kaos. Samlingen af stakke vokser og vokser, nogle er meget tæt pakket, andre er mere luftige, men sammen bliver kollektionen meget forskelligartet og farverig. De er organiseret strengt og disciplineret i en stiv gitterstruktur, som samtidig legende interagerer og udfordrer den stramme, strenge orden. Denne omhyggelige plot synes at være vejen for både udskæring gennem røg, og den enorme og vedholdende bombardement af info. I dag består samlingen af 200 individuelt forskellige skulpturer, og den fremtidige idé er at tilføje endnu flere hundrede.


text af  Birgitte Katborg Laursen.

The Graveyard Project - Installation Plan
The Graveyard Project (detail)
The Graveyard Project - Installation Plan


The Megalopolis Project - Galvin Harrison + T.N.G. Projects is a multi faceted sculpture installation that will comprise of 2400 sculpture elements conceived by  Galvin Harrison as a participatory social installation project. The project is purposely designed for the inclusion and active participation of social housing residents, students,  public institutions and private commercial concerns as part of an `organic´ construction process. Design drawings have been made with the assistance of the architect ;

Birgitte Katborg Laursen.

The Megalopolis Project - Galvin Harrison + T.N.G. Projects er en mangesidet skulpturinstallation, der vil bestå af 2400 skulpturelementer udtænkt af Galvin Harrison som et participatorisk socialt installationsprojekt. Projektet er målrettet designet til inklusion og aktiv deltagelse af socialt boligbyggeri beboere, studerende, offentlige institutioner og private kommercielle selskaber som led i en "organisk" byggeproces. Designtegninger er lavet med hjælp fra arkitekten ;    Birgitte Katborg Laursen.

Megalopolis Image
Megalopolis Image
Megalopolis Image
Megalopolis Image
T.N.G. Projects Logo
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